Hello all, sorry for the delay in updates on the blog....we have been very very busy with some new parts design, a new Vcam GTR, committing to the Osaka auto messe in Feb and also I have been given slightly over 1000 very old photos form Sugino san. Here is the pile of ones I want to share with you, looks like I am in for a long week of editing..lol
ちょっと更新滞ってしまいました。HKS Vカムインストール、新しいパーツのデザイン、オートメッセのことやらで忙殺されておりました。それと、エンドレスの(社長の?)ちょっぴり昔が分かる写真がわんさか出てきたので、チェックして、笑って、感心して、笑ってと・・・こっちに時間をとられていたのは秘密。
This is old photo showing Trust old twin drag manifold setup.
Endless second tuning shop, Opened in 1993, and to celebrate we had one of HKS Original Zero-R cars in the shop, and Trust drag R32. (HKS and Trust....great competitors.....if one does something for us, the other demands we have their goods/demo car too...haha)
Our prototype design manifold, this was compleated back in 1992, Turbo is an IHI but back then tuning was still in its infancy, we didnt have the hugh choice of giant turbos / wastegates we have now, this kit was for around 700hp and only need 2 tiny wastegates!
More tomorrow:
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