As many of you are compeating or looking to compete in time attack series, its a good chance for us to show you what work we undertake when making our rase chassis. we can aquire bare shells for customers, they undertake any chassi custom work needed....then ship the bare shell, of make into complete circuit car.....then container shipped anywhere in the world. いきなりですが、サーキットでのタイムアタックなどを念頭に置いてシーズンを過ごしていらっしゃる方々もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか? でも、どんなふうにしてシャーシが造られているのかはあまり知られてはいないのかもしれません。 そこで、ちょっぴりレーシングシャーシ造りの裏側を覗いてみませんか♪
This post will show readers what work is involved in making race chassi.....base car is 350z
Stripped, acid dipped then chassi is pulled in all directions so there is no play in the welds once finished.
溶液につけて丸裸にされたシャーシに溶接を施してゆくと遊びのない、頑丈なボディが出来上がります。 Here you can see the rather large chassi hooks pulling the rear of the chassi out, as some of the 5000+ welds are started こんな風にして、フックでリアのシャーシを外側にひっぱて、5000箇所をこす溶接作業が始まります。
Well today, I was bored so as you do, I grabbed a set of weighing scales and grabbed the normal R32 and N1 R32 GTR headlights to see how much different they are in weight...... Answer.......300grames....see below. 今日はちょっとこんなことをしてみました。 N1ヘッドライトとノーマルヘッドライトの重量比べですが、結果は....ノーマルから300gの軽量です! これを軽いととるかはあなた次第です。。。
This image, reminds me of Tetsuo from Akira, when he is picking up his "innerds"....but this is the car version, and sadly shows an end to the Twin Turbo car we made....:( Its murder I say, bloody murder!!!! バラバラです。もう殺人死体遺棄事件並みです。 endlessチューナーH田さんの愛機がここまで来てしましましました・・・
Well, we got to our friends shop, who have a 1000ps quickly got the car off the trailer and on the ramps, but due to the location of the shop, we have to have the shutter down, so the noise is extreme....although the car is very very loud. やってきました、1000ps対応ダイノチェックです。ささっと積車からEndless R32を下ろして、これから起こります騒音公害に備えてシャッターを締め切るのです(ご近所さま、本当に申し訳ありませんです) T88-38GK turbo sound is very impressive, I hope you will like.....and it shows how different the GK series to other Trust turbos....very much like the T51R from HKS in sound, but much stronger at higher boost. ここからは、百聞は一見にしかずで、youtubeの動画を見ていただければわかるのですが、TRUST GReddyの38GKがいかに他のトラストタービンと違うのかご覧ください!HKSのT51R のような、でももっと力強い・・・ After mapping the car, Sugino san said we should power check..... Here we had 3 people + sugino in the car, and 3 x heavy water bottle filled weights in the trunk with VHT sprayed on the rollers and 2 ratchet straps holding the car down.... Sugino san goes through the transmission in to 6th gear (as you will see in the movie) then stepped hard on the gas pedel......sounds like things are going well then rpm shoots up too fast, I know what has happened which is also confirmed by sugino san laughing in the car.....wheel slip.....we just couldnt keep the tires from spinning.... マッピングを終えて、次はパワーチェックに移ります。 車をしっかりと設置させるために、VHTをローラーにまいて、丈夫なハーネスをくくりつけて、トランクに水入りの重たいボトルを乗せます。 6速まで順々にギアをあげてゆきアクセルを目いっぱい踏み込みます・・・・が、ホイールがスリップしております。 Sugino san got out of the car and said the rpm shot up and km/h read over 270....but the dyno read only 220kmh....seems we had wheel spin from 200kmh in 6th.....and we still posted a power reading of the car at only 2.0kgm is making somewhere around the 1000ps (estimated) so things should be very exciting on the 30th....last drag race session of the year. メーターでは270kmを超えているんですが、ダイノチェックでは220kmで計上されていました。6速の200kmくらいでホイールがスリップしているようです。。。 それでも820hpの数字がダイノから出てきましたので良しとしましょう! 雨でつぶれていたセッティングはなんとかできたので、11月30日今年最後のセントラルドラッグレースに向けて、期待は高まるばかりです♪ Here is the movie..... それでは動画をどうぞ!
Well yesterday we had a day booked at central circuit for the R32 demo car to be mapped, this ws our last chance before this years final race at central later on in the month. 30th....and you guessed rained all day! Sugino san then put the chances of racing on the 30th as almost 0% as we could not map the car........I was very upset....however today I went out to get his lunch, and when I returned I could hear the rumble of the gtr!!!! I thought they were just moving it, but when I checked, Sugino san was inside, so I went over and told him his "me-shi"was here, and said joking aside..."you getting some practice in" he said nope we going setting....he booked our friends 1000ps dyno, so thats where were going....with camera in a second! video will be uploaded today!